The Hyundai Grace was produced in two generations and delivered worldwide. In some countries it is known as the Hyundai H-100. In this publication, we will show a assignment of Hyundai Grace (H-100) fuses and relays produced in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 with box diagrams and their places location.
The purpose of the elements in the boxes and their arrangement may differ from that shown and depends on the year of manufacture, the region of delivery and the level of equipment.
Passenger compartment
The main fuse box is located under the dash on the driver’s side.
Assignment of fuses
1 | Interior lighting |
2 | Except EC: Stop lights EC: Hazard warning lights |
3 | Horn, rear lights (except EC) |
4 | Glass heating |
5 | Except EC: Rear heater |
5 | EC: Fuel filter heating |
6 | Reversing lamps |
7 | Right headlight |
8 | Left headlight |
9 | central locking |
10 | Except EC: Rear cigarette lighter |
10 | EC: Rear heater, rear fog lamp |
11 | Front cigarette lighter |
12 | ABS, headlights |
13 | Wiper |
14 | Front heater |
15 | Fog lights |
15 | Rear left headlight |
16 | Alarm |
16 | Rear right headlight |
17 | Left power window |
18 | Right power window |
Separately outside the unit, there may be some relays: turn signal and alarm relay, power window relay, rear lamp relay, rear heater relay, rear fog lamp relay.
Engine compartment
Power fuse box
Located next to the battery.
A | 40A Diesel engines: Generator, fuses # 1,2,3,15,16 Petrol engines: Generator, fuel pump relay, headlights, capacitor, fuses # 1,2,3,15,16 |
B | 40A Ignition lock |
C | 40 / 50A With ABS: Modulator ABS Without ABS: Fuse No. 4.5 |
D | 50A Power window relay, AC fuses |
IS | 80A ABS modulator, alternator |
Headlight relay (M02), relay with diode (M77)
Wiper relay (M74), fuel filter relay (M84)
Fuel pump relay
Starter relay
Is there anything to add to the material? We will be glad to receive your comments.
Hola, me pueden explicar como hago para cambiar el rele M74, de limpiaparabrisas ya que no logro verlo, gracias!
Translate – “Can you explain to me how I do to change the M74 relay, for the windshield wiper since I can’t see it, thank you!”
Hi where is the location of the hazard and turn signal relays and wiring diagram if possible
Buongiorno, chiedo gentilmente di conoscere dove è posizionato il relè e il fusibile per candeletta preriscaldato motore diesel grazie
I want a headlight high beam circuit diagram for the grace bus
I want a Hyundai grace bus headlight wiring diagram sent to my email address
Very, very helpful info, so easy to understand. Thank you so much!
I need glow plug and alternator wiring diagram for Hyundai grace 1997