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We will be useful to all drivers and car owners. We will tell you where the fuses are located, what they are responsible for, as well as how and how to replace it correctly. Due to the decoding of relay blocks, you do not have to guess or manually sort through them yourself in order to find out which one is responsible for the cigarette lighter, and which one is for the headlights or interior lighting. Now all the diagrams with video instructions are in one place. No need to look anywhere else.


Why do fuses blow?

The main reason why fuses blow is if the permissible load is exceeded. This may be due to the connection of additional equipment, short circuits, worn wiring, oxidation of the connection points, and other reasons.

If one or more electrical devices stop working in the car, then first of all, you should check the integrity of the fuses.

How to check a fuse?

To do this, it is necessary to remove it from the block and visually inspect the fuse for integrity, if the fuse inside the fuse is damaged, the fuse is blown and must be replaced. The second option is to check with a multimeter.

check fuse

What are the fuses?

There are several options and designs for automotive fuses. Automakers use fuse types such as Maxi, Mini, Standard, Micro or Low Profile fuses depending on space requirements.

tupe of fuses

For convenience, we present a detailed description.


  • Micro2 – the smallest type, featuring a tall thin shape.
  • Micro3 – These are easy to identify as they are the only type with three terminals instead of two.
  • Low profile mini – they are small and compact. The terminals do not extend far beyond the main fuse box.
  • Mini fuses have the same body design as the low profile mini fuses, but the key difference is that the terminals are much longer than the low profile mini fuses.
  • Standard (ATO) are the standard versions and also the second largest type.
  • Maxi is the largest available size for high current applications.

How to replace a fuse?

For example, if your cigarette lighter does not work and you want to replace the fuse responsible for its operation, follow these steps.

  • Find the cigarette lighter fuse (you can use our information for this)
  • Visually inspect the fuse for obvious signs of damage and make sure the fuse is not blown. If the fuse is good, then the problem is not with the fuse.
  • Purchase a new fuse of the same type, size and current rating.
  • Carefully remove the old fuse from the housing and insert the new fuse in its place.
  • Check the performance of the cigarette lighter or the required equipment.